Bo Ni - Publications


  1. Augmenting Textual Generation via Topology Aware Retrieval.
    Yu Wang, Nedim Lipka, Ruiyi Zhang, Alexa Siu, Yuying Zhao, Bo Ni, Xin Wang, Ryan Rossi, Tyler Derr.

  2. Improving Generalizability of Fake News Detection Methods using Propensity Score Matching.
    Bo Ni, ZhiChun Guo, Jianing Li, Meng Jiang.


  1. Action Sequence Augmentation for Early Graph-based Anomaly Detection. Bo Ni, Tong Zhao, Wenhao Yu, Meng Jiang. In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2021

  2. Early Fraud Detection With Augmented Graph Learning. Bo Ni, Tong Zhao, Wenhao Yu, Meng Jiang. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications (DLG-KDD’20)

  3. Through The Eyes of A Poet: Classical Poetry Recommendation with Visual Input on Social Media. Daniel Yue Zhang, Bo Ni, Qiyu Zhi, Thomas Plummer, Qi Li, Hao Zheng, Qingkai Zeng, Yang Zhang, Dong Wang. In Proceedings of the Advances in Social Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2019 as oral presentation.